Now, as for who I am and why you should care: I'm a husband (married 8 years this upcoming July '09), father (2 girls - 5 and 3, and a Boxer Mix - 7), a graphic designer/artist (at least that's what the business card says), an amateur writer (maybe I'll actually finish something someday), and a Batman fan (hence the name BatDaddy). BatDaddy also leans towards the fan of horror that I am, and it makes me feel cool. I'm a relatively young fella (27). I live in LaVergne, TN which is just barely outside of Nashville. I'm also an insulin dependent diabetic (had it since I was 9). My political leanings fall more towards Conservative and often fall in line with the Libertarian viewpoints. I love beer (of almost all kinds), movies (horror, action, comedy, etc), tv (Lost, The Office, 24, 30 Rock, The Simpsons, Family Guy), some sports, having fun, and I'm a big fan of nonsense.
As for why you should care: meh, you shouldn't really. Why do you care about me? Stop staring! Get away from my desk! This blog has no specific purpose. I may try to give it one along the way. Subjects covered will probably range from things related to being a dad, to artwork I've created, to my upcoming adventures in Assistant Coaching for Pee Wee baseball, to things that I find out there in cyberspace that are interesting and/or completely stupid. WHO KNOWS WHAT DEPTHS WE SHALL EXPLORE HERE? One minute it might be family-friendly, the next we may delve into Rated-R territory. One minute may be full of proper English and correct spelling, next I might LOL and OMG all over the place.
This blogging thing is pretty new to me personally. I know blogs themselves are nothing new. I've read many but never really written one. I'm computer literate but certainly no techie. But we'll see how it goes. Bookmark me or follow me if you like. Hopefully you'll find something to enjoy. If not, go elsewhere. I don't need you. Whatchoo lookin at?!
- Bat
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