Monday, March 16, 2009

New merchandise up at zazzle!

Maybe something we should all think about in this day and age.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Posting Spree Fueled by Low Blood Sugar

Really starting to get the hang of this blogging thing... maybe. Could just be low blood sugar. At 11:32 am Central Standard Time, I began to notice the shaky hands and non-firing synapses brought on by the beast. Insulin continues to be both my friend and enemy, with diabetes being our common foe. Right now it's a can of Sprite VS. the Dipping Blood Glucose Level. Who will win? Stay tuned...


For a particular aspect of my job, I regularly head over to in order to get some info on a movie. Sometimes I need a synopsis, sometimes I need poster art, etc. I often find myself wandering down the page towards the forum posts. Let me just state for the record that apparently some of the most idiotic people/trolls/10 year olds decide to spend their time hanging out and commenting over on There is a general anonymity that seems to bring out the worst in people over there. A common example (amidst the terrible spelling and broken english) would be:

Commenter 1: I did not like this movie!

Commenter 2: You are an idiot! How could you not like it? Go **** yourself!

And so on. I myself have never commented or posted on imdb, even when I've felt like it, simply because it seems so many people there simply want to argue and name-call. Maybe I will one day, but it's doubtful.

And then there are posts like these. Granted, this one is not a blatant flame, but simply a case of someone taking things way too seriously. The thing is, this person has a valid point, but there's a time and place for everything. This is not it. On the page for "Hotel For Dogs," which is a kid's movie, based on a kid's book, was this post:

Title: Current Dog Rescuer-Will not see this film

I have reviewed several of the threats (I assume they meant "threads") and have decided I will not watch this movie. This movie obviously does not address the issues at hand, Pet Overpopulation. We as a society have a problem it is "pet overpopulation". Simple way to fix, spay or neuter your dog or cat. We spend billions a year on our furry friends while many go without food or shelter due to money hungry puppy mill breeders. If you are a responsible breeder fine, if you are not, this money does not address that and the reality of pet overpopulation. Missouri is the puppymill capital of the USA and a majority of puppies in the pet stores come from the puppymills in Missouri. Laws need to be better to protect those that have no voice (cats and dogs) I would love to know how much of the profits on this film are being donated to charities that work with abandoned and neglected animals?

want to know more about the puppymill industry and the millions they make?

this will open your eyes.

america's dirty little secret.

It's a Nickelodeon kid's movie. Seriously. WTF? I haven't seen the movie, but I don't think "Pet Overpopulation" is the actual issue of the movie. I doubt there is an actual issue - it's about kids who convert an abandoned hotel into a hotel for stray dogs. It's a family comedy, not a social statement. Again, there's a time and place for causes of all kinds, but this just ain't the place.

IMDB FAIL. Not as bad as some, but this is one of many.


Letter from Greg Knox on

Letter from Greg Knox on

Warning: This letter contains a giant backhand of common sense. This has apparently been out there for awhile, but I just found it yesterday. A must-read, just click the link above.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

BatDaddy Begins: An Introduction

Hello out there on the internets. My name is Thomas, aka BatDaddy, and welcome to my blog, BatDaddy IN YOUR FACE! First, even though this blog is indeed IN YOUR FACE, it may or may not be that extreme, hip, or offensive. My title works in so many ways you see, for even if the posts contained here within are not all that IN YOUR FACE, well at least they are still physically IN YOUR FACE because the words are in front of you as you read them. Get it? Of course you do.

Now, as for who I am and why you should care: I'm a husband (married 8 years this upcoming July '09), father (2 girls - 5 and 3, and a Boxer Mix - 7), a graphic designer/artist (at least that's what the business card says), an amateur writer (maybe I'll actually finish something someday), and a Batman fan (hence the name BatDaddy). BatDaddy also leans towards the fan of horror that I am, and it makes me feel cool. I'm a relatively young fella (27). I live in LaVergne, TN which is just barely outside of Nashville. I'm also an insulin dependent diabetic (had it since I was 9). My political leanings fall more towards Conservative and often fall in line with the Libertarian viewpoints. I love beer (of almost all kinds), movies (horror, action, comedy, etc), tv (Lost, The Office, 24, 30 Rock, The Simpsons, Family Guy), some sports, having fun, and I'm a big fan of nonsense.

As for why you should care: meh, you shouldn't really. Why do you care about me? Stop staring! Get away from my desk! This blog has no specific purpose. I may try to give it one along the way. Subjects covered will probably range from things related to being a dad, to artwork I've created, to my upcoming adventures in Assistant Coaching for Pee Wee baseball, to things that I find out there in cyberspace that are interesting and/or completely stupid. WHO KNOWS WHAT DEPTHS WE SHALL EXPLORE HERE? One minute it might be family-friendly, the next we may delve into Rated-R territory. One minute may be full of proper English and correct spelling, next I might LOL and OMG all over the place.

This blogging thing is pretty new to me personally. I know blogs themselves are nothing new. I've read many but never really written one. I'm computer literate but certainly no techie. But we'll see how it goes. Bookmark me or follow me if you like. Hopefully you'll find something to enjoy. If not, go elsewhere. I don't need you. Whatchoo lookin at?!


- Bat